English Translation:
In October of last year I had the pleasure of commenting on the album “Into The Half Light”, the second album in a trilogy created by the American multi-instrumentalist Chris Scholtes, from his project Gammalon. Although it was a job that corresponded to 2017, its relaunch had allowed me to know and enjoy it. And he had mentioned that the third part of that undertaking (end of the trilogy) was announced for a next edition. ¨The Periphery Of Imagination¨ was published on YT on January 21 and I can again bring his music to the kind readers. In this issue the same line of ¨I.T.H.L.¨ continues, which ensures a good hearing of instrumental progressive rock with space airs and epic climates. With 11 songs and a beautiful and suggestive cover (just like the previous one) ¨The Periphery Of Imagination¨ is a great work.
All Instruments: Chris Scholtes